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Loki Sorcerer Supreme Fanfiction


Loki The Sorcerer Supreme by aphrsditea Tony has learnt to expect anything What he doesnt expect though in a million years is entering the Sanctum and seeing Loki. Loki as the Sorcerer Supreme Cloak of Levitation Marvel is that one bitch in the group who IS down with murder. Loki who tried to destroy New York and rule the Earth Loki who is Thors evil stepbrother Loki who should be in jail and not trusted with your Avada Kedavra stuff Id rather you described me as. An awkward dinner party brings Doctor Stephen Strange and Loki together ill-at-ease with one another but still they seek the company of each other being the odd. It did happen in the comicsIm not sure if hes still currently Sorcerer Supreme Spider-Man went to see him for something I think he was expecting Strange and was shocked to..

Loki The Sorcerer Supreme by aphrsditea Tony has learnt to expect anything What he doesnt expect though in a million years is entering the Sanctum and seeing Loki. Loki as the Sorcerer Supreme Cloak of Levitation Marvel is that one bitch in the group who IS down with murder. Loki who tried to destroy New York and rule the Earth Loki who is Thors evil stepbrother Loki who should be in jail and not trusted with your Avada Kedavra stuff Id rather you described me as. An awkward dinner party brings Doctor Stephen Strange and Loki together ill-at-ease with one another but still they seek the company of each other being the odd. It did happen in the comicsIm not sure if hes still currently Sorcerer Supreme Spider-Man went to see him for something I think he was expecting Strange and was shocked to..

