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Breaking News Chomskys Nativist Theory Of Language Acquisition Gains New Momentum

Breaking News: Chomsky's Nativist Theory of Language Acquisition Gains New Momentum

Key Takeaway:

The nativist theory, proposed by linguist Noam Chomsky, suggests that humans have an innate ability to acquire language. Recent research has provided evidence supporting this theory, challenging the opposing empiricist view.

Nativist Theory:

Noam Chomsky's nativist theory proposes that humans are born with a genetically determined predisposition for language acquisition. This innate ability allows us to develop the complex cognitive structures necessary for language comprehension and production.

Supporting Evidence:

Steven Pinker, a contemporary linguist, has expanded on Chomsky's nativist theory. Research conducted by Pinker and others has identified genetic factors that influence language development, supporting the idea of an innate ability for language.


The nativist theory's resurgence has significant implications for understanding human language. It suggests that the human brain is specifically adapted for language, and that this ability is not solely dependent on environmental factors such as learning or experience.


The nativist theory of language acquisition remains a dominant paradigm in linguistics. Recent evidence has strengthened its support, providing insights into the biological foundation of human language.
