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Detailed Statistical Analysis Of A Prolific Striker

Dusan Vlahovic: Detailed Stats and Performance Overview

Detailed Statistical Analysis of a Prolific Striker


This comprehensive article delves into the intricate statistics of Dusan Vlahovic, an exceptional striker who has captivated the football world. The data presented here provides an in-depth analysis of his performance, unveiling his strengths and areas for further improvement.

Club Level Performance

Vlahovic's performance at club level has been nothing short of extraordinary. At Juventus Turin, he has consistently delivered impressive numbers:

  • Goals Scored: 27 (in 50 appearances)
  • Assists: 4
  • Shots on Target: 67%
  • Passing Accuracy: 78%

These statistics highlight Vlahovic's exceptional goal-scoring prowess, combined with his ability to create chances for his teammates.

International Level Performance

Vlahovic has also made his mark on the international stage with Serbia:

  • Goals Scored: 8 (in 17 appearances)
  • Assists: 2
  • Shots on Target: 65%
  • Passing Accuracy: 74%

While his international numbers may not match his club level performance, Vlahovic has shown glimpses of his immense potential on the global stage.

Key Performance Indicators

Beyond the raw numbers, Vlahovic's performance is characterized by several key indicators:

  • Clinical Finishing: Vlahovic possesses an uncanny ability to convert chances into goals, as evidenced by his high shots-on-target and goal-scoring percentages.
  • Physical Presence: Standing at 6'4", Vlahovic uses his physical attributes to his advantage, winning aerial duels and holding the ball up against defenders.
  • Link-Up Play: Despite his imposing size, Vlahovic is surprisingly agile and adept at linking up with his teammates, creating scoring opportunities for others.

These qualities make Vlahovic a complete striker, capable of contributing to his team in various ways.

Areas for Improvement

While Vlahovic has achieved remarkable success, there are still areas where he can further enhance his performance:

  • Consistency: Maintaining a high level of performance over an entire season can be challenging, and Vlahovic has shown some inconsistencies in his goal-scoring.
  • Injury Prevention: Injuries have hampered Vlahovic's progress at times, and he needs to improve his durability and fitness.
  • Decision-Making: Vlahovic sometimes makes questionable decisions in front of goal, sacrificing accuracy for power or taking shots from unfavorable positions.

Addressing these areas will allow Vlahovic to reach his full potential and become one of the most formidable strikers in the world.


Dusan Vlahovic is an exceptional striker whose detailed stats reveal his remarkable performance and potential. His clinical finishing, physical presence, and link-up play make him a valuable asset to any team. While there are areas for improvement, Vlahovic has the talent and determination to overcome these challenges and become an even more formidable force on the pitch.
